Chinese Steamed Rice Cake 白糖糕
Steamed Rice Cake or Bai Tang Gao (白糖糕 in Cantonese ~white sugar cake) is a traditional Chinese snack made from rice flour, sugar and yeast and this was commonly found in the dim sum restaurants and food street stalls some 40 years back. I remember when I was a little girl, my family would usually go to the tea house (茶楼) to have our morning breakfast during the weekends and this pure white steamed rice cake is one of my favourites. But sad to say this dim sum is hardly available in the dim sum restaurants nowadays.
If you are craving for a piece of this rice cake, why not try to make some at home. It is very easy to make this rice cake as only a few ingredients are needed except that you’ll need to wait for 2 hours for the batter to ferment. The cake texture is not too sweet but soft, tender and a little chewy. Pandan leaves were added to enhance the fragrance of this steamed rice cake. You can see the honeycomb-like tunnel texture in the cake after steaming. Just perfect for tea break.

Chinese Steamed Rice Cake
- 140 g rice flour
- 100 g castor sugar - or to taste
- 300 ml water - half to the flour and half for the syrup
- 4 pandan leaves (screwpine leaves) - knotted
- 1/2 tsp dried instant yeast
- 1 tbsp lukewarm water
- 1/2 tsp corn oil - vegetable oil
- 1 tsp baking powder
- Place 140 gm of rice flour into a big bowl. Add 150ml of water to the flour and mix well with a whisk.
- In a small pot, add 150ml water, sugar and pandan leaves together. Bring to boil and lower heat, simmer for 5 minutes. Turn off heat and remove the pandan leaves.
- Pour the hot syrup into the rice flour liquid, gently whisk mixture until smooth and pass through a sieve. Then cool until lukewarm, about 20 minutes.
- Dissolve yeast with 1 tablespoon of lukewarm water and leave it for 5 mins or until it bubbles. Then stir the yeast into the batter and add 1/2 tsp of oil and stir well.
- Cover the bowl with a cling wrap and rest for about 2 hours or until you see foamy bubbles.
- Add 1tsp baking powder and stir well the mixture again. Then pour it into 7 cupcake liners. Top with goji berries (this is optional) You may steam it in a small shallow plate greased with oil.
- Steam the rice cake on high heat under boiling water for about 20-25 minutes or skewer inserted into cake comes out clean.
- Rice cake can be served warm or cool.
白糖糕 Chinese Steamed Rice Cake
- 140克 粘米粉
- 100克 白砂糖或适量
- 水 (分成2份)
- 4片 香兰叶
- 1/2茶匙 即溶酵母
- 1汤匙 温水
- 1/2茶匙 玉米油
- 1茶匙 泡打粉
- 将粘米粉放入碗中。倒入150ml水,搅匀。
- 小锅中,加入150ml水,糖及香兰叶一起煮滚,然后小火煮5分钟。熄火拿开香兰叶。
- 趁热把糖水倒入粉水里,轻轻的搅拌均匀至滑,用网筛把粉浆过滤一遍。待凉约20分钟(米浆还带有一点微温)。
- 即溶酵母加入1汤匙温水混合均匀,静置5分钟或至呈现小泡泡。然后和玉米油倒入米浆里,再拌匀即可。
- 盖上保鲜膜,静置2个小时或直到表面出现小气泡。
- 加入泡打粉再一次把米浆拌匀,倒入7个纸杯中。放入一颗枸纪子点缀(可不放)。**不想用纸杯的话,可用小浅盘底部抹油蒸白糖糕。
- 置入蒸笼中隔水用大火蒸约20-25分钟分钟或竹签插入内部不沾糊就表示糕已经熟了。
- 白糖糕可放凉或温热后享用。
This Recipe is Look So Fresh, Healthy and Delicious to Prepare. Thank You So Much for the Recipe !!
Wow, I’m admiring your pictures and longing for a bite of the pak tong ko! Good job, Ann!
They turned out simply perfect, Ann.