Fried Tofu with Minced Pork 豆腐炒肉末
My family is a big fan of tofu. They just can’t resist anything with tofu, cooked in whatever style. For today’s post sharing, Fried tofu with minced pork (can use chicken or beef) is a savoury and a little spicy easy quick dish to cook at home. Besides deep frying the tofu, fermented black beans and minced pork were added to give the tofu dish extra taste and fragrance as tofu on its own is quite bland. Again this is best to serve with white rice or porridge

Fried Tofu with Minced Pork
- 600 g pressed - 2 blocks
- 100 g minced pork/ground pork - season with a dash of pepper
- 2 pips garlic - chopped
- 1 pip shallot - chopped
- 1/2 tsp sugar
- 1-2 fresh chillies - cut finely
- 1 tbsp fermented black beans - rinse and drained
- some cut chillies and spring onion - for ganishing
- Pat tofu to dry with kitchen towel and cut into bite sizes or cubes. Coat with some corn starch and deep fry in hot oil till golden brown. Dish up and drain for later use.
- In a hot wok, add about 2 tablespoons of oil and fry garlic, shallot and chillies till aromatic. Add in minced pork, sugar and fermented black beans with 1 tablespoon Chinese cooking wine,, stir fry till meat is cooked.
- Add in tofu and seasoning, stir well again till sauce almost dries up.
- Dish up and garnish with cut chillies and spring onion. Serve immediately.
一道经济方便美味的家常菜 。。。豆腐吸取了肉末和黑豆豉的香气,超好下饭或配稀饭!
- 600克 版豆腐 (两盒)
- 100克 肉碎 (绞肉),撒点胡椒粉腌制
- 2粒 蒜头,剁碎
- 1粒 红葱头,剁碎
- 1/2茶匙 砂糖
- 1-2条 红辣椒,切细
- 1汤匙 黑 豆豉,冲洗沥干水分
- 辣椒和葱花点缀
- 调味料:
- 1.5汤匙 酱请
- 1汤匙 耗油
- 1/2茶匙 白砂糖
- 150毫升 水
- 做法:
- 用厨房纸吸干豆腐水分,切成小块状。粘上少许栗粉,放入热油中炸至金黄色,捞起沥干油分。
- 加入两汤匙油在热锅里,爆香蒜头,红葱头及姜片,加入肉碎,糖和豆豉(加入1汤匙花调酒)炒香至肉熟。
- 倒入豆腐和调味料炒约至差不多收干水分即可。
- 上碟撒上辣椒丝和葱花即可马上享用。
Haven’t had this in ages! Yours looks droolworthy, Ann.
Haven’t had this in ages! Yours looks droolworthy, Ann.