Matcha Madeleines 抹茶马德琳蛋糕
Madeleine is a dainty French tea cake traditionally baked in scallop-shaped madeleine.pan. It is made of flour, egg, sugar and melted butter. Mixing is real easy and quick to prepare without the need of an an electric mixer, just a hand whisk will do the job. You’ll love the hint of matcha flavour and honey in this delicate small cake while the texture is soft and bouncy with a little crusty top when served warm. Just perfect to serve these matcha madeleines for an afternoon tea.
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Matcha Madeleines
- 35 g cake flour or plain flour
- 1 tsp matcha powder
- 1/4 tsp baking powder
- 1 egg
- 25 g caster sugar
- 1 tbsp honey
- 50 g melted butter
- Sift flour, matcha powder and baking powder together and set aside.
- In a bowl, lightly whisk egg. Add sugar and honey and blend well mixture and sugar dissolved. Pour in melted butter and stir well.
- Sift in the flour mixture the second time directly into the egg mixture. Gently stir mixture till smooth and combined. Cover with cling wrap and place the batter in the refrigerator for 30 minutes (this will help the mixture more thoroughly and produce a soft bouncy texture after baked).
- Pour matcha batter in madeleine pan (grease pan with butter and dust with flour) to almost full.
- Bake in preheated oven at 180 deg C for 12-15 minutes or till the sides are golden brown. Cool madeleines slightly before removing from pan and cool on wire rack.
- 玛德琳蛋糕(贝壳蛋糕)是一种法式风味的小糕点,烤完之后肚子处高高隆起;口感酥脆与内部松软带单性的蛋糕形成充分的对比。抹茶和蜂蜜是最好的配搭,口感特别好。
- 35克 底筋/中筋面粉
- 1茶匙 抹茶
- 1/4茶匙 泡打粉
- 1个 鸡蛋
- 25克 细砂糖
- 1汤匙 蜂蜜
- 50克 融化牛油
- 面粉,抹茶粉及泡打粉一起过筛,备用。
- 将鸡蛋轻轻打撒,加入细糖和蜂蜜拌匀至细糖完全融化。倒入融化牛油搅拌均匀。
- 把面粉混合物再过筛第二次入鸡蛋糊里,拌匀至粉类完全消失。盖上保鲜纸放入冰箱静置30分钟。 (这样能使得粉类和水分能充分的融合,就能烘烤出弹牙松软的成品)
- 再轻轻搅拌抹茶面糊然后倒入马德琳烤盘中 (涂牛油在马德里烤盘上及撒上面粉)至9分满。
- 放入预热烤箱至180度,烤约12-15分钟或待边缘呈金黄色即可出炉。稍凉后脱模,置网架上冷却即可享用。
- **烤箱温度和烘烤时间务必根据自家烤箱来定
Hi, awesome recipe. Made it twice and loving it! May I know if I can substitute matcha powder with coco powder to make chocolate Madelines?
Hi Joanna, So happy to hear that you love this recipe! Yes you can change the flavour to cocoa powder if prefer.
Thank you very much. I will try to substitute with coco powder. Have an awesome day.
Do you think it is possible for me to replace match powder to earl grey tea leave instead?
Hi Joelle, Can have a try. Not sure you have earl grey tea powder of you want to blend the tea leaves.
These madeleines are perfect! Can’t wait to try your recipe, Ann.
Hi Ann, I follow your ingredients but then found the mix rather thick. It looks like not as thick in your photos. The final bake was ok but I need to lower my oven temperature next time
Hi Alice, The thick batter can be piped out from a piping bag. Mine wasn’t really very thick.
Thanks. But I wonder why it was so there thick. It still works but would be easier to pour if not as thick .
Do you think it is possible for me to replace match powder to earl grey tea leave instead?
Hi Joelle, Can have a try. Not sure you have earl grey tea powder of you want to blend the tea leaves.
These madeleines are perfect! Can’t wait to try your recipe, Ann.
Hi Ann, I follow your ingredients but then found the mix rather thick. It looks like not as thick in your photos. The final bake was ok but I need to lower my oven temperature next time
Hi Alice, The thick batter can be piped out from a piping bag. Mine wasn’t really very thick.
Thanks. But I wonder why it was so there thick. It still works but would be easier to pour if not as thick .