Mortar and Pestle
A mortar and pestle is a tool used to crush, grind, pound and mix substances. This solid granite mortar and pestle is an important tool in Asians kitchen.
I remember when I was a little girl, I used to help my grandmother to pound chillies ingredients for making curry chicken, laska and sambal chillies. For now, I only use it to pound smaller quantity of ingredients… sweet memories with my grandmother in the kitchen in my younger day… 🙂
SIS: Is true, very tiring especially nowaday everyone can use a blender.
Murasaki: As I said is solid granite, even mine is a mini size and yet is weigh about few kgs.
We used to have one of these when we lived in the Philippines. It was too heavy to lug around the world though… 🙁
If pound large quantity, very tiring…
Mine is about 40 years old…haha..
I've a similar mortar & pestle! My mum gave it to me because it's too small for her! I think it's more than 30 years old! How old is yours, if you don't mind? 😀
Yes, I think I saw it once before in my friend's house. This is already antique, I don't think many Peranakan family still have this at home.
In my Peranakan family, they use batu giling. It's sorta like a large rectangular stone where you put things on and you have a long rolling pin to crush or to 'giling' things up. Not sure what is it called in English though.