Papaya with Snow Fungus and Peach Gum 木瓜银耳桃胶糖水
Lately I came across many bakers sharing their delicious peach gum dessert on Facebook group. As I was curious about the taste, I too bought a bottle of the peach gum from the Chinese Medicine shop to make this healthy and nutritious Papaya with Snow Fungus and Peach Gum sweet soup. The peach gum is tasteless with a gelatin texture similar to the coveted Bird’s Nest but is very refreshing when served chilled. The cooking of this dessert is about 40 minutes but you have to spend sometime picking and clearing the peach gum.
According to a website, Peach gum is a light yellow sticky liquid produced by the chemical reaction of the peach oil naturally secreted by the peach tree, which is further dried and crushed into a solid granular, and is a light yellow transparent solid natural resin. Benefits: Can clear blood fat, relieve stress and contain collagen for firmer skin and wrinkle rejuvenation effect.
Papaya with Snow Fungus and Peach Gum
- Soak peach gum with more water overnight (at least 12 hours) till it expands and soft. Rinse the jelly like peach gum a few times with a sieve. Remove the impurities and rinse again, drain well.
- Soak the snow fungus in water till it becomes soft, about 20 minutes. Snip off and discard the yellow hard part on the under side of the snow fungus. Cut up the snow fungus into small pieces.
- Bring water, peach gum, pandan leaves and snow fungus to boil and simmer at medium heat for 30 minutes.
- Remove papaya skin and cut into small chunks. Drop in the papaya and simmer at low heat for another 10 minutes. Then stir in rock sugar till dissolved.
- Serve warm or chilled.
- 桃膠是桃樹分泌出來的天然樹脂,乾硬呈琥珀色,含豐富植物膠原蛋白,血降脂和美容润肤、清热去火养肠胃。它通常是无味的,与明亮的起泡纹理类似于燕窝
- 简单的煮了这道营养健康木瓜银耳桃胶糖水,放进冰箱冷藏后味道很更清甜。
- 550克 木瓜 (最好买刚熟的木瓜,籽刮掉)
- 20克 挑胶
- 15克 银耳
- 1200毫升 水
- 100克 冰糖或适量
- 3片 香兰叶,打结
- 把桃胶浸泡在一大碗水隔夜最少12小时至软胀。冲洗几次后去除表面黑色杂质,再冲洗滤干。
- 将银耳泡软约20分钟。用剪刀將銀耳上較硬的部份剪去,然后剪成小朵。
- 将水,桃胶,银耳和香兰叶放入锅内煮沸。转换中火焖煮30分钟即可。
- 木瓜去皮切块状,然后放入锅内,用小火再焖煮约10分钟。最后加入冰糖搅拌至融化即可。
- 可趁热或放入冰箱冷藏后才享用。
不宜: 孕妇,经期女士,两岁以下儿童。
I would love to try those peach gum! This is a wonderful dessert, Ann.
Good to beat the heat!
So refreshing…. perfect in this weather!
Good to beat the heat!
I would love to try those peach gum! This is a wonderful dessert, Ann.
So refreshing…. perfect in this weather!