Orange and Lime Jelly 香橙酸柑果冻
This soft orange and lime jelly is a very refreshing, cooling and citrusy dessert which is badly needed to beat the current hot and humid weather. My guests at home were so pleased with this dessert and as it was so yummy they couldn’t help but asked for a second helping. You can make can make this easy jelly within 15 minutes minus the chilling time. As the texture of the jelly is soft and due to the hot weather, it it best to consume it immediately or within 30 mins, once taken out of the refrigerator.

Orange and Lime Jelly
- 700 ml orange juice - freshly squeezed
- 900 ml water
- 200 g caster sugar
- 1 tsp agar agar powder
- 2-3 tbsp lime juice or to taste
- 18 g gelatin powder - slightly more than 1.5 tbsp
- Soak gelatin powder with 2 tablespoons water and set aside.
- Bring water. sugar and agar agar powder to boil at medium heat, add soaked gelatin and stirring constantly for about a minute.
- Off heat and keep stirring liquid until hot bubbles disappear, then pour in orange juice and lime juice. stir well mixture and pass orange liquid through a sieve.
- Pour into serving cups and leave to cool. Then place orange jelly in the refrigerator to chill for several hours or overnight to set before serving.
- 果冻酸酸甜甜的口感很清爽。非常的好吃!
- 果冻体质蛮软的,最好从冰箱取出30分钟内或尽快把它吃完,因天气太热的关系,果冻会很快的溶解。
- 千万不要把橙汁倒入锅里煮,要不然会有苦涩之感。
材料: 可做约个12小杯子
- 700毫升 鲜榨橙汁
- 900毫升 清水
- 1茶匙 菜燕粉
- 200克 细砂糖
- 2-3汤匙 酸柑汁或适量
- 18克 鱼胶粉 (吉利丁粉)
- 先把鱼胶粉+2汤匙水浸泡,备用。
- 将水,细糖及菜燕粉用中火搅拌煮滚至糖融化。加入浸泡好的鱼胶粉,继续搅拌约一分钟,熄火。
- 再继续搅拌至液体完全没热泡泡,才把橙汁及 酸柑汁倒入,搅拌均匀即可。
- 过滤液体,倒入杯子里,待凉后收进冰箱冷冻数小时或隔夜至凝固就马上享用。
So refreshing! Indeed a perfect summer dessert, Ann.
Cooling dessert.
Hi Ann
Can i use store bought orange juice instead of freshly squeezed juice?
Yes Kasey but you have to adjust the sugar in this recipe because store bought orange juice is much sweeter.
It’s a very refreshing soft orange and lime jelly dessert. People will be glad with this cooling & yummy home made dessert. Thank you Ann, for your soft orange and lime jelly dessert.
You’re welcome 🙂
Hi Ann Low
I followed the recipe but why the outcome is watery type.
I squeezed 11 orange to get 700ml, this step correct right not with the weight of orange?
Why I didn’t get response from you?
Hi Jocelyn, Sorry that I’ve temporarily stopped blogging in Jan – Mar this year and I’ve missed your comment.
Yes, the freshly orange juice is 700ml and you need to boil the gelatin liquid before mixing with the orange juice. The setting will takes several hours and the jelly is soft type. If you prefer a firmer texture, increase the gelatin to 20g.
Hi Ann
I followed the recipe. I put over nite and next morning the texture is watery not like jelly.
The gelatine that I bought come in bottle from bake king.
It could be problem on the gelatin. I used PH gelatin powder.
Such a refreshing flavor!
Hi Ann Low
I followed the recipe but why the outcome is watery type.
I squeezed 11 orange to get 700ml, this step correct right not with the weight of orange?
Why I didn’t get response from you?
Hi Jocelyn, Sorry that I’ve temporarily stopped blogging in Jan – Mar this year and I’ve missed your comment.
Yes, the freshly orange juice is 700ml and you need to boil the gelatin liquid before mixing with the orange juice. The setting will takes several hours and the jelly is soft type. If you prefer a firmer texture, increase the gelatin to 20g.
Hi Ann
I followed the recipe. I put over nite and next morning the texture is watery not like jelly.
The gelatine that I bought come in bottle from bake king.
It could be problem on the gelatin. I used PH gelatin powder.
Hi Ann
Can i use store bought orange juice instead of freshly squeezed juice?
Yes Kasey but you have to adjust the sugar in this recipe because store bought orange juice is much sweeter.
Cooling dessert.
It’s a very refreshing soft orange and lime jelly dessert. People will be glad with this cooling & yummy home made dessert. Thank you Ann, for your soft orange and lime jelly dessert.
You’re welcome 🙂
So refreshing! Indeed a perfect summer dessert, Ann.
Such a refreshing flavor!