Prune Pound Cake 西梅磅蛋糕
This Prune Pound Cake is delicious and smells great with a hint of rum flavour. This cake is not so dense and not too sweet even though there are chocolate chips in it. Definitely perfect to serve at any time of the day. This Prune Pound Cake can be chilled in the refrigerator for one week stored in an airtight container. Just thaw the cake at room temperature for about 20-30 minutes before consuming.
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Prune Pound Cake
- 190 g butter - soft to touch
- 140 g brown sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 3 eggs
- 150 g cake flour or plain flour - sifted
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 40 g almond powder - ground almond
- 40 g chocolate chips
- 100 g pitted prunes - cut to small pieces
- 20 g rum - optional
- Soak prunes with rum and set aside.
- Beat butter, brown sugar and vanilla extract till light and fluffy.
- Add eggs, one at a time at low speed till well combined before adding the next.
- Add almond powder and mix with a rubber spatula followed by flour and baking powder, fold well to combine.
- Pour in soaked prunes and chocolate chips, fold mixture well.
- Pour batter into lined cake pan into baking pan (9x4x3 inches) lined with baking paper, smooth top. Drop pan on table top to release air bubbles.
- Bake in preheated oven at 170 degrees for about 50 minutes or skewer inserted comes out dry.
- Remove cake from oven and leave to cool in cake pan for 10-15 minutes. Then unmould cake and place it on wire rack to cool down.
- 西梅磅蛋糕
- 西梅和兰姆酒非常的搭,蛋糕烤出来后有一股兰姆酒香气,甜而不腻非常的好吃。蛋糕也可以放入密封盒子收入冰箱冷藏一个礼拜也没问题。享用前把蛋糕从冰箱拿出来解冻20-30分钟就可以了。
- 材料:
- 190克 牛油,稍软
- 140克 黄糖
- 1茶匙 香草香精
- 3个 全蛋
- 150克 底筋面粉或中筋面粉,过筛
- 1茶匙 泡打粉,过筛
- 40克 杏仁粉
- 40克 巧克力豆
- 100克 西梅干,切小
- 20克 兰姆酒 (可不放)
- 将西梅干和兰姆酒拌匀,备用。
- 牛油,黄糖及香精搅打发至松发。
- 用慢速度加入鸡蛋,一个一个的加,搅匀后才加入下一个。
- 加入杏仁粉,用刮刀拌匀。然后倒入面粉和泡打粉,再翻拌均匀。
- 加入西梅干和巧克力豆,搅拌均匀即可。
- 将蛋糊混合物入摸具(9x4x3 寸,铺上油纸)里,抹平。震几下摸具排出气泡。
- 送进预热烤箱摄氏170度烤约50分钟或竹签扎入蛋糕内部不沾糊就可以了。
- 让蛋糕连模待凉约10-15分钟才脱模,放在凉架上冷却。
- 食谱来与小红书,食谱有稍微更改。