Red Bean Mochi 糯米糍
Red Bean Mochi (sticky rice balls) is one of the popular snacks in Hong Kong, named nuo mi ci 糯米糍 in Cantonese. It’s quite similar to Japanese Daifuku mochi, a sticky rice ball filled with red bean paste. Anyway, is your choice of adding any filling you prefer. This Red Bean Mochi is soft and chewy, and it is best eaten within one day. Definitely a perfect snack (dim sum) for the whole family to enjoy at home. You’ll find the red bean mochi a little chewier but not that soft if they are kept in an airtight container at room temperature for a day.
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Red Bean Mochi
- 125 g glutinous rice flour
- 35 g corn starch
- 30 g icing sugar - sifted
- 30 g corn oil
- 200 g fresh milk or water
- 375 g red bean paste
- In a bowl add glutinous rice flour, cornstarch, icing sugar together and stir well.
- Pour in corn oil and fresh milk. Stir well mixture till lump free and strain mixture into a greased (corn oil) steaming plate.
- Cover plate with cling warp and prick some holes with a skewer to release hot air.
- Place plate inside steamer under boiling water and steam at high heat for about 30 minutes.
- To check whether the dough is cooked by poking the center with a chopstick making sure the center is not raw or wet.
- Grease some oil in a plastic bag and place hot dough inside. Then knead hot dough to and forth for about 8 - 10 minutes till becomes soft and smooth texture, set aside to cool.
- Divide red bean paste into 15 portions, 25 grams each and roll into balls.
- Divide dough into 15 round balls, about 25 grams each. Flatten the dough with a scraper and wrap in red bean paste. Then coat with desiccated coconut. Enjoy! Best eaten within one day.
- Wear a pair of disposable plastic gloves and place a plastic sheet on the tabletop to handle the sticky dough.
- You'll find the red bean mochi a little chewier but not that soft if they are kept in an airtight container at room temperature for a day. Best eaten within one day.
糯米糍 Red Bean Mochi
- 125克 糯米粉
- 35克 玉米淀粉
- 30克 糖粉,过筛
- 30克 玉米油
- 200克 牛奶或清水
- 375克 红豆馅
- 将糯米粉,玉米淀粉,糖粉放入碗中,混合均衡。
- 倒入玉米油和牛奶,搅拌至细腻顺滑状态。将液体过滤到蒸盘里(盘里要抹油)。
- 盖上保鲜膜,用竹签扎上小洞透气。
- 放入蒸笼大火蒸30分钟。
- 用筷子扎在面团中央,没湿湿的面糊呈现就是蒸熟了。
- 取出热面团放入朔胶袋(朔胶袋里抹上少许油),把面团来回搓匀至柔软光滑约8到10分钟,然后冷却面团。
- 将红豆馅分割15等份约25克,搓圆。
- 面团也分成15等份约25g,搓圆。用刮板把圆面团压扁,包入红豆馅,再搓圆即可裹上椰蓉就大功告成了。
- 糯米团比较粘手,全场需带着手套操作。桌面也要铺一张朔胶纸防粘。
- 把吃不完的糯米糍收进密封盒,温室搁置一夜还是不错吃,当然做完一天内食用完最好。