Smiling Sesame Cookie Balls 开口笑
Smiling Sesame Cookie Balls or Laughing Balls 开口笑 (literally means open mouth and laugh) are a popular Chinese snack especially during the Chinese New Year. The traditional way of making these cookie balls are deep fried that causes the dough ball crack open resembling a smile or a laugh. However, this recipe is a bake version for healthy eating and it’s so easy to make these mini cookies in a relatively short time. The fragrant nutty aroma smiling sesame cookie balls are crusty and savoury and can be even stored in an airtight container for up to a week.
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Smiling Sesame Cookie Balls
- 1 egg - 60g with shell
- 30 g corn oil
- 35 g icing sugar - sifted
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 115 g cake flour or plain flour
- 1 tsp baking powder - about 3g
- white sesame seeds for coating - used toasted sesame seeds, available at the bakery supply shop.
- In a bowl, add egg, oil and icing sugar together and stir thoroughly well.
- Sieve in flour, baking powder and salt, fold mixture with a rubber spatula. Then knead to form a soft dough till not sticky to hand. Add some flour if dough is sticky.
- Divide dough into small balls, about 10-12 grams each (makes 20 pieces). Then coat evenly with white sesame seeds and roll it into round ball again.
- Place sesame balls on baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake in preheated oven (middle rack) at 170 degrees for about 20-25 minutes or till golden brown.
- Leave cookie balls to cool down completely and store in an airtight container.
- 开口笑
- 开口笑是传统的中式小点心,它是经过油炸,裂开一大口,形如开口大笑。今天就做个健康的,免油炸的浓郁芝麻香,一口酥开口笑,放进烤箱烤也一样的好吃!
- 材料:
- 1个 全蛋 60克带壳
- 30克 玉米油
- 35克 糖粉,过筛
- 1/2茶匙 盐
- 115克 底筋面粉或中筋面粉
- 1茶匙 泡打粉 (约3克)
- 白芝麻 (用烤过的白芝麻,烘焙店买得到)
- 碗中放入鸡蛋,玉米油和糖粉,充分的搅拌均匀。
- 筛入面粉,泡打粉和盐,用刮刀翻拌,然后用手揉成软面团不沾手就可以了。觉得面团还有粘性,再撒上少许面粉。
- 将面团分成20等份-揉圆,约10-12克一个(可做20个)。平均裹上白芝麻,然后再搓圆即可。
- 芝麻球摆入烤盘,底部铺上油纸,放入预热烤箱(中层)170度烤约20-25分钟至表面金黄色即可。
- 烤好芝麻球待凉收进密封盒。可保存一个星期。