Steamed Chinese Chive Dumplings 蒸韭菜饺
If you love the mild garlicky fragrance of Chinese chives (jiu cai 韭菜), you’ll definitely want to try these delicious steamed Chinese chive dumplings. It’s easy to put the ingredients together with ready made dumpling wrappers (水饺皮). This recipe is quite similar to the Fried Mini Buns (recipe here) but is in a healthier version without adding too much oil. I didn’t wrap the dumplings in a traditional way like a crescent shape (pot sticker 锅贴) this time. So that anyone who wants to try this recipe at home will not be spending too much time on pleating the wrappers. It’s definitely best to enjoy this dim sum or snack with your family immediately after steaming it with or without the dipping sauce – shredded ginger and black vinegar.
Steamed Chinese Chive Dumplings for afternoon tea
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Steamed Chinese Chive Dumplings
If you love the mild garlicky fragrance of Chinese chives (jiu cai 韭菜), you'll definitely want to try these delicious steamed Chinese chive dumplings.
- 200 g minced pork - ground pork
- 200 g prawn paste
- 400 g Chinese chives
- 1/2 tbsp minced garlic
- 1 tsp chicken powder
- 1/2 tsp sugar
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 3/4 tbsp oyster sauce
- 1/2 tbsp sesame oil
- 1-2 tsp pepper
- 1.5 tbsp cooking oil** - to be added last
- Cut Chinese chives into small pieces (leave out the white part) and weigh to about 300 grams
- Place minced pork and prawn paste together with the seasoning into a bowl. Using a pair of chopsticks and stir well (in one direction) until the meat becomes sticky, about 2-3 minutes.
- Then drop in the Chinese chives with 1.5 tablespoon of cooking oil, stir mixture well again for another minute. Cover the pork mixture with cling wrap and place inside the refrigerator for later use (can prepare the filling a few hours ahead).
- Place about 1 tablespoon chive mixture in the middle of the wrapper and moisten the edge with little water (or moisten the wrapper before adding in the filling). Fold it up and seal, then place the top side down. Repeat the same until you use up the ingredients (makes about 30 pieces).**watch video for wrapping**
- Place a clean piece of parchment paper in the steamer and place chive dumplings on top, then brush with some cooking oil, cover lid and steam at high heat for about 12 minutes. Serve hot immediately.
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- 蒸韭菜饺 Steamed Chinese Chive Dumplings
- 喜欢吃韭菜的朋友,不妨试试这款在家也能轻松做的小点心。不用花太多时间把饺子包成锅贴形,随意包成小球状就可以了。。适合新手。 蒸好的饺子味道特别好~~
- 材料:
- 200克 肉绞
- 200克 虾绞
- 400克 韭菜
- 调味料
- 1/2汤匙 姜末
- 1茶匙 鸡精粉
- 1/2茶匙 砂糖
- 1/2茶匙 盐
- 3/4汤匙 耗油
- 1/2汤匙 麻油
- 1-2茶匙 胡椒粉
- 1/2汤匙 食用油 – 最后加
- 做法:
- 韭菜白部分去掉然后切成小段,剩约300克。
- 将肉胶和虾胶及调味料放入碗中。用筷子顺着一个方向搅匀2-3分钟至起胶。
- 最后加入韭菜和1.5汤匙食用油,再搅拌均匀即可。盖上保鲜膜收入冰箱备用 (可预先几个小时前备好馅料)。
- 把约1汤匙馅料放在水饺皮上,边缘沾一点水才收口(也可以先沾一点水才放上馅料) – **请看视频** – **可包约30个小蒸饺**。
- 蒸笼里铺上一张油纸,排上韭菜饺,刷上少许食用油,大火蒸约12分钟即可盛起享用。喜欢的话也可配搭蘸酱一起吃 -醋+姜丝- 。
- 这食谱跟之前分享的迷你肉饼差不多。喜欢的话请看一下