Stir Fried Noodle with Dried Scallops干贝炒面
Ingredients: Serves 3-4 persons
300g Shrimp Noodle or Egg Noodle
35g Dried Scallops
200-250g Chicken broth
100g Bean sprouts
2 stalk Spring onion ~ cut to 2″ length
3 tbsp Kikkomann light soy sauce
1/2 tsp Salt
2 slices Ginger
- Soak dried scallops in hot water for 2 hours and tear dried scallops in pieces. Keep the scallops water.
- Put the shrimp noodle into cold water for 2 minutes and boil it for about 3 minutes until shrimp noodle loosen. Drain with cold water and set aside.
- Heat wok, add some oil then fry the ginger until fragrant and remove ginger.
- Add the dried scallops, fry till aromatic~add bean sprouts and shrimp noodle ~ stir fry well.
- Then add in the scallops water and chicken broth, mix well (lower heat to medium) and add light soy sauce, salt. Test the noodle, if it is not soft enough, add a little more chicken broth.
- Lastly add spring onion and some pepper.
- Serve fried noodle with some green or red chillies.
- Enjoy!
Conpoy or dried scallop(干贝) is type of dried seafood product made from the adductor muscle of scallops. The smell of conpoy is marine, pungent, and reminiscent of certain salt-cured meats. Its taste is rich and umami due to its high content of various free amino acids, such as glycine, alanine, and glutamic acid. It is also rich innucleic acids such as inosinic acid, amino acid byproducts such as taurine, and minerals, such as calcium and zinc.
Conpoy is produced by cooking raw scallops and then drying them. Proper execution of these two steps as well as the freshness of the original raw product is essential to the quality of the final dried product.
mmmm…so simple and flavorful!
My Little Things Corner: Sure, Will make bigger portion and keep you inform :)Sonia: Oh Yes! Sometime I also cook this into soup noodle with scallop.
Hello Anncoo these noodles are very attractive!!!and if you like butternut squash in dessert come and see my creme brulée !! see you Pierre
Wenn: Yes, this can be used in frying and soup too.Heavenly Housewife, Parita: Thank you for your compliment 😀
This looks like a very simple but delicious meal.
wow, of course taste one!!! wanna try some.
JW: Thank you! Hope you'll enjoy it after trying.Palidor, Quinn: Yes, dried scallops are quite expensive even in Singapore. I bought this in Hong Kong, is slightly cheaper and the size is larger.Hsling:干贝都是在香港买的,大粒的比较适合拿来煮菜或熬粥,小的就煮汤。
aww..I used to see dried scallop at the chinese medical hall but i've never bought any before coz i don't know how to use it. Now i know how 🙂 Will try this one day 🙂 Thanks.
with scallop, I bet the soup is super sweet, I like the Shrimp Noodle too, best for cook soup.
i only use that for soup..
Gaga: Thank you! I hop over to your place now :DPierre, Alice: Thank you for your compliments.Peachkins: I think you can only find this in Asian market.Mysweetkitchen: So now you know, hope you will to try it one day 🙂
I don't think we have dried scallops here..and I'm sure its good with the noodles
Rebecca, Foodie,Sangeetha, Lea Ann, Vrinda, Velva:Dried scallops can also make into soups and porridge (congee).Coleen,Thank you for your nice words. I've also learned new things from you :)Joyce: I think fresh scallops are more pricey. I would love to enjoy your pumpkin pie…:D
This noodle dish looks fabulous! I ove scallops but, I don't think I have ever seen dried scallops. Thanks for sharing this great recipe.
Tina: Thank you! Will check with Fedex whether service still available.
Pearlyn: Nice dream zzzzz***
I've never cooked with dried scallops, but I'm very curious now. This looks like a wonderfully flavorful dish!
These noodles look fantastic!
Fresh Local and Best: Thank you for your compliments.
Little Box: So you must cook this dish.
Huh…why so late? I can still fry some and send over to you..hihi..
I like this noodle , simple and yummy ,it's 11.02 pm now , I will try the noodle in my dream , goodnight !
I don't use dried scallops nearly as often as I should. This looks delicious!
Arghh, guess what! I haven't had my dinner yet even tho' it's close to 10pm now & this noodle is making me hungry! Yumm!!!
Wow…you make me crave for it now!
Look so yummy!
very cool noodles never heard of dried scallops
Pass that bowl to me dear. Beautiful clicks and neat presentation.
Very nice Anncoo but dried scallops are so expensive in Adelaide… 🙁 are my too go page for good asian meals. This and that prawn thing would be so perfect together. Its my chinese night ..and I think instead of the great eatery I frequent, I will make these two!!
I enjoy coming to your page every day because you make delicious looking food out of items I've never even HEARD of!! It really stretches my imagination and I enjoy that. You asked me what dulce de leche is. It is a THICK creamy soft caramel.
I love your blog, I learn so much. I have never, ever, seen dried scallops. I have got to make it over to our big Oriental market in East Denver. I'm missing out on some gooooood stuff!
Scallops are so pricy here and I am wondering if dried are less expensive or the same price and just a matter of convenience. Hum? Oh if you lived by me I would bake you some of my whoopie pumpkin pies for sure:) Have a nice weekend.Joyce
That looks so yummy! I love dried scallops and would eat them more often if they weren't so expensive.
Looks great anncoo,and I am sure tastes as good. Great combo..Once I tried scallop fry but this sounds interesting..Will give a try..:)
Never tried dried scallops,sounds like a nice combo…
Dries scallops?? Very interesting! It looks and sounds wonderful! I would love a bite.
Ah…this sounds absolutely delicious, especially with my favorite ingredient – the dried scallops. Yum Yum!
Taste Traveller: hahaa…smart idea!
Next time when you come here, I'll prepare some for you….haha..
Wow, huge dried scallop! So, this is an expensive dish lol! he he…. You must invite me over! Thanks.
Juz would like to ask where can I get the Redleaf shrimp noodle?
Dried scallops really are packed with 'umami'. I have had it in various Chinese dishes but have never used it in cooking myself. 🙂
This shrimp noodle can get it at any supermarket. If you can't find it, can use egg noodle 鸡蛋面too.
Good idea to stir fried vermicelli with dried scallops but over here it is so expensive 🙁 Thanks for the recipe :))
Murasaki & My Little Space:When I cook this again, sure to inform you 😀
Carrie: Thank you!Pigpigscorner: Yes, this is rather a quick and easy dish.
CBL: Actually I saw this demo by Ah Yat (阿一)many years ago. He used Kwong Cheong Thye light soya sauce.At that time, no recipe just demo.This portion serves about 3-5 persons, depend whether they are big eater or not. (4 of us ~ finished up this noodle)
Thank Ann,
Found it at coldstorage and bought a pack.
Will do this on monday for lunch.
Great idea! I've never used it in fried noodles before…sounds really simple and tasty!
Great tutorial! It looks delicious!
The ingredients in ur recipe can serve how many pax?