Dutch Baby Pancake 荷兰烤松饼
Making Dutch Baby Pancake is a breeze and can be served for breakfast, brunch or as a dessert. You just need a few seconds to blend the ingredients together and pour into a preheated skillet. Then pop it into the oven and bake for about 15 minutes until the pancake is puffed up, lightly brown but it will deflate quickly soon afterwards.

Dutch Baby Pancake
- 60 g cake flour/plain flour
- 2 eggs
- 110 ml fresh milk
- 2 tsp brown sugar - or caster sugar
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- melted butter - for brushing
- berries, icing sugar and honey - for topping
- Preheat oven to 200 deg C and place in cast iron (5 inch) pan for 10 minutes.
- Whisk eggs in a mixing bowl, add sugar, salt, vanilla and milk, mix well with a hand whisk. Sift in flour. Then whisk with an electric mixer or blender at low speed until small bubbles form (about a few seconds).
- Grease butter generously to the preheated (hot) cast iron pan, then pour in the batter and bake in the oven for 15 minutes until puffed and golden.
- Top with berries and dust with some icing sugar or drizzle some honey. Good to serve hot or warm.
- 荷兰烤松饼 Dutch Baby Pancake
- 一款非常简单又美味的松饼,只须要拌一拌,烤一烤就可以了!
- 喜欢甜的可放上鲜梅,糖粉和蜂蜜。也可以换换口味,放上培根,熏三文鱼或班尼迪克蛋也蛮不错。
- 材料:
- 60克 底筋面粉或中筋面粉
- 2个 鸡蛋
- 110毫升 牛奶
- 2茶匙 黄糖或细砂糖
- 1/4茶匙 盐
- 1/2茶匙 香草香精
- 融化牛油(刷盘用的)
- 鲜梅/糖粉/蜂蜜
- 预热烤箱至摄氏200度,同时放入一个5寸铸铁锅,预热10分钟。
- 将鸡蛋放入碗中打撒, 加入黄糖,盐,香精和牛奶搅匀(用手动打蛋器)。筛入面粉,用电动打蛋器或料理机搅打至成小泡(用地速度搅打几秒钟就可以了)。
- 从烤箱取出加热了的铸铁锅,刷上大量融化牛油,注入面糊,再放回烤箱15分钟至膨胀及金黄色。
- 取出松饼(部分会塌陷),放上鲜梅,撒上糖粉及适量蜂蜜即可马上享用。最好是趁热食用。
- 如家中没有铸铁锅,也可用烤盘取代。我用了一个铸铁锅和一个烤箱耐热玻璃烤盘(同样5寸)。可做2份。
healthy breakfast
Hi, thanks for sharing this recipe! 🙂
Is it possible to make it using a hand whisk entirely, without using electric mixer or blender?
Hi Bernice, yes, it works well with hand whisk too. Just whisk the batter to foamy and rest for about 5 mins before pouring into the hot pan.
So very yummy with all the fresh berries!
healthy breakfast
Hi, thanks for sharing this recipe! 🙂
Is it possible to make it using a hand whisk entirely, without using electric mixer or blender?
Hi Bernice, yes, it works well with hand whisk too. Just whisk the batter to foamy and rest for about 5 mins before pouring into the hot pan.
So very yummy with all the fresh berries!