Orange Blueberry Jelly 鲜橙蓝莓果冻
I was very much inspired by Tze of Awayofmind Bakery House when she posted her Orange Jelly. I like her method of boiling the jelly. That is boil the water first then add in the orange juice after turning off the heat. I’ve tried to boil the orange juice and water together before and very often the jelly turned out having a bitter taste. So I’m really happy with Tze’s method. Thanks Tze! I’ve tweaked the recipe by adding some gelatin powder into the jelly which I always did to most of my jelly’s recipes. This is because I prefer my jelly to have a soft jello texture rather than a firm agar agar jelly texture. So here is my cool treat Orange Blueberry Jelly and hope that you’ll like it as much as I do, especially in this scorching hot weather.
Use a skewer gently push the blueberries down into the semi-set jelly if they are still floating
Orange Blueberry Jelly
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Author: Ann Low
- 300ml Fresh orange juice
- 1 tbsp Lime juice
- 450ml Water
- 2 tsp Agar agar powder + ½tsp Gelatin
- 100g Sugar or to taste
- adequate fresh blueberries
- Add sugar into 450ml water in a pot, together with the agar agar powder and gelatin. Stir the sugar till dissolved under medium heat. Lower heat and keep stirring for 2 minutes and remove from heat. Pour in orange juice and lime juice and stir well for another 1 minute and pass through a sift.
- Pour half of the orange liquid into desired mould and drop few blueberries into it. Wait till jelly semi-set so the blueberries will stick to the jelly and not float up. Fill the mould with the remaining orange liquid.
- Leave jelly to cool completely before chilling in the fridge.
- 300毫升 鲜榨橙汁
- 1汤匙酸柑汁
- 450毫升 水
- 2茶匙 菜燕粉 + 1/2茶匙 鱼胶粉
- 100克 白糖或适量
- 新鲜蓝莓适量
- 在锅里加水,糖,菜燕粉及鱼胶粉。用中火搅至糖融化。把火调小继续搅约2分钟,离火加入鲜橙汁和酸柑汁,继续搅匀约1分钟即可,过筛。
- 将橙汁倒一半入你喜欢的模子里,放入几粒蓝莓,等数秒钟让果冻半凝固 。这样蓝莓就会粘住果冻而不会浮到上面来了。把剩余的橙汁倒满模子即可。
- 待凉,收入冰箱冷却数小时即可脱模享用。
- This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs uporganised by
- hosted by Ann of Anncoo Journal
Home made jelly is a great thing! These jellies look so nice, I wish I had such forms 🙂
Oh, this is beautiful, Ann. Just beautiful!
oh ya, refreshing indeed… cannot remember the last time i had jelly! and best, this is natural juice, not concentrate
How gorgeous! Love the add of blueberries, Ann.
Ann, the jelly with blueberry in it is so unique, some more with the refreshing lime and orange!! The click is so pretty too!
Thanks for mentioned me in your post!
Hi Ann will you be giving lesson keen to join if there’s opening for cooking and baking lesson
Hi Ann will you be giving lesson keen to join if there’s opening for cooking and baking lesson
Hi Kristy, Thank you for dropping by. Sorry that I don’t have time to conduct baking/cooking lession.
Ann , such a pretty jelly ! A refreshing dessert for hot summer days 🙂
Hi Ann,
I would definitely love this jelly, not only in our hot weather, but even during rainy days! Looks wonderful!
Ann, 你的jelly很美,很冰凉的感觉, 好想一个个的吃进肚子里去呢!
Ann took such a quick move to make this orange jelly, hehe. They look so pretty in the silicone & taller molds! Love to see the blueberries inside the jellies too!
Jessie, Thanks! You've the silicone mould too, right? Hope you'll try this one day 🙂
Oh, this is beautiful, Ann. Just beautiful!
These are really beautiful!!
Home made jelly is a great thing! These jellies look so nice, I wish I had such forms 🙂
oh ya, refreshing indeed… cannot remember the last time i had jelly! and best, this is natural juice, not concentrate
Ann, the jelly with blueberry in it is so unique, some more with the refreshing lime and orange!! The click is so pretty too!
Thanks for mentioned me in your post!
Tze, Thank you so much for your orange post.
Ann, I want to try this too! And I love your jelly mould 🙂
Phong Hong, Looking forward to your orange post 🙂
Dear Ann, so pretty and lovely jelly, will try. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for your comment 🙂
So refreshing. Love the orange and blueberry combination.
How gorgeous! Love the add of blueberries, Ann.
how come you have added both agar and gelatin?
Hi Nammi, As I already explained that I don't quite like the firm texture of the agar agar, so I added some gelatin into it.
Ann…I will definitely try this out 🙂 look refreshing too in this hot humid weather. Thanks for trying out and sharing the recipe with us 🙂
Elin, yes is really hot over here too! Have to make more cool desserts to beat the heat.
Fion, 那你可以做两款。呵呵。。
冰冰凉凉的,我也想要几个。 :)
refreshing jelly, i like it…with the nice blueberry inside, very unique taste.
Thanks, Jong 🙂