Souffle Pancake 舒芙蕾松饼
This Souffle Pancake is fluffy, soft and moist like eating a cloud even though it has cooled down after spending about 10 minutes of photo shooting. This Souffle pancake’s recipe is different from the Japanese souffle pancake (here) that I had made before as it is not cooked in frying pan. It should be immediately served on the table after baking because the soufflé will quickly inflates.
I consider this a not so perfect pancake in a way that I’d used two large eggs and over risen when baking. It should have a nice dome top for using medium eggs. Anyway, it is quite easy to make this Souffle pancake without much hassle within 15 minutes and baking time is relatively short. I baked the pancake in a 6 inch baking dish bowl. If you prefer to bake this souffle in ramekin, then grease the cup with butter and coat generously with caster sugar. You don’t have to slit the top if you’re using ramekin. Best to top with a dollop of ice cream or honey and enjoy!.
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Souffle Pancake
- 70 ml fresh milk
- 15 g butter
- 2 egg yolks - medium size eggs, about 62-65g egg with shell
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 20 g cake flour or plain flour
- 1 tsp corn flour (starch)
- 2 egg whites
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 30 g caster sugar
- Pour milk into a pot, add butter and bring to about to boil at low heat till butter melted. Off heat.
- Drop in egg yolks, quickly stir well and add vanilla extract, stir well again.
- Sieve in cake flour and cornstarch, stir well with a hand whisk to smooth. Then pass batter through a sieve.
- Whisk egg whites with lemon juice to foamy and add sugar in 3 batches, continue to whisk to stiff peaks form.
- Gently fold 1/3 of the meringue into the egg yolk batter. Then return it to the remaining meringue and gently fold well mixture.
- Pour batter into a 5 inch baking dish bowl (no need to grease bowl) and bake in preheated oven at 170 degrees C for 10 minutes. Take out pan from oven and quickly use a sharp knife to slit cross on cake. Return pan to the oven and continue to bake for another 10-12 minutes.
- Dust some icing sugar or snow powder over soufflé and serve immediately. Best to top with a dollop of ice cream or honey. Enjoy!
- If you prefer to bake this souffle in ramekin, then grease the cup with butter and coat generously with caster sugar. You don't have to slit the top if you're using ramekin.
- Please keep in mind that all oven temperatures and baking time varies.
- 舒芙蕾松饼 Souffle Pancake
- 超简单云朵般舒芙蕾,口感细腻绵软,好吃到爆!出炉必须赶快享用,要不然高高的舒芙蕾遇冷就塌下去了。
- 材料:
- 70毫升 牛奶
- 15克 牛油
- 2个 蛋黄 (用65克鸡蛋带壳)
- 1茶匙 香草香精
- 20克 底筋或中筋面粉
- 1茶匙 玉米淀粉
- 2个 蛋白
- 1茶匙 柠檬汁
- 30克 细砂糖
- 做法:
- 将牛奶倒入锅中和牛油用底火煮至融化,熄火。
- 放入蛋黄,快手搅拌均匀,加入香精,再拌匀即可。
- 筛入面粉和玉米淀粉,搅拌到至顺滑。然后过筛。
- 将蛋白打致起泡泡,细砂糖分次加入,打致硬发泡(不要打的太干),打发到尖尖角就可以了。
- 取1/3蛋白霜拌入蛋黄糊中,翻拌均匀,然后再倒回剩余的蛋白霜中,翻拌均匀即可。
- 将蛋糊倒入5寸烤盘中(无需抹油),放入预热烤箱摄氏170度烤10分钟,取出迅速在顶部划个十字,再放回烤箱,继续烤11-12分钟即可。
- 撒上适量糖粉或蜂蜜或配送冰淇淋即可享用。
- 烘烤的温度和时间仅供参考,请按烤箱性能适当调整。
- 用了大鸡蛋,所以我的舒芙蕾爆的很厉害,可以用65克鸡蛋。
- 不用烤盘,也可以换烤盅。倒入蛋糊前,烤盅须抹上牛油和撒上大量的细糖,也不用划十字。
- 我花了十分钟拍照,所以我的舒芙蕾看起来不是很完美 🙄