Earl Grey Cheesecake 伯爵茶芝士蛋糕
This Earl Grey Cheesecake is quite similar to the Basque Burnt Cheesecake with a burnt look on the top. Beside adding dairy whipping cream (or heavy cream), you need to add more yogurt (or sour cream) in this recipe. It’s light and creamy custard like texture with a hint of red tea flavour that almost melts in your mouth. It’s best to chill the cheesecake before cutting it with a hot knife before serving.
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Earl Grey Cheesecake
- 125 g dairy whipping cream
- 3 bags Earl Grey tea leaves
- 225 g cream cheese - room temperature
- 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
- 100 g caster sugar
- 200 g Greek yogurt or sour cream - room temperature
- 3 large eggs
- 3 tbsp corn starch
- Gently boil whipping cream and tea leaves together in a small pot for one minute at low heat. Then leave mixture to cool.
- Line loaf pan (8 x 4½ inches or use a 6 inches round cake pan) with parchment paper all sides up.
- Beat cream cheese, sugar and vanilla extract together at low speed. Gradually pour in whipping cream, beat till smooth at medium speed. Scrape bowl, add yogurt and continue beating to mix well. Add the eggs, 1 at a time, beating well after each addition. Add cornstarch and beat mixture until smooth.
- Press cheesecake batter through a strainer with a rubber spatula directly into prepared pan. Then use a chopstick gently stir batter to remove air bubbles.
- Place pan in the middle rack of the oven and steam bake at 170 deg C for about 30 minutes. Then lower temperature to 150 degrees C and continue to bake for 20 minutes or center is a little jiggly or almost set.
- Then move the cake pan to the upper rack in the oven and set the oven on top grill 180 deg C and continue to bake the cake tops to darker brown almost burnt for about 3-5 minutes.
- Remove from the oven and leave cheesecake together with the cake pan to cool completely. Then chill the cheesecake at least 4 hours and slice cake with a hot knife before serving.
- 125克 动物性淡奶油
- 3 包 伯爵茶叶
- 225克 奶油芝士, 温室软化
- 100克 细砂糖
- 1/4茶匙 香草香精
- 200克 天然优格或酸奶**
- 3个 大鸡蛋
- 3汤匙 玉米淀粉
- 将淡奶油和伯爵茶叶放入小锅中用小火煮约1分钟至微滚。熄火,冷却备用。
- 准备一给长方形烤盘(8 x 4.5寸 或用6寸圆烤盘)铺上油纸。
- 用电动打蛋器以底速度搅打奶油芝士,细糖和香精。慢慢的倒入淡奶油,用中速度搅打至顺滑,然后把完边缘的蛋糊刮下,加入优格,搅拌均匀。逐里的加入鸡蛋打包均匀,才下入另一粒鸡蛋,搅打至均匀。加入玉米淀粉再搅打至顺滑即可。
- 将芝士糊放在滤网用橡皮刮刀挤出混合物直接到烤盘里,用筷子搅一搅芝士糊让气泡消耗掉。
- 放入预热烤箱(中层架上)170度烘烤30分钟,然后改换150度继续烤20分钟至凝固。
- 把蛋糕移到上格,再改上火180度烤3-5分钟至表面呈深棕色即可。
- 蛋糕出炉后待凉后,脱模收进冰箱冷藏最少4个小时才用热到切片享用。
- 个人烤箱不同,温度时间仅供参考,务必根据实际情况灵活调整